What are bed bugs?
Bed bugs are small, nocturnal insects that feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. They typically hide during the day in cracks and crevices, mattress seams, bed frames, headboards or furniture. Bed bug bites are usually painless but can cause swelling and itching. If left untreated, infestations can quickly spread around a home or to nearby buildings. For effective control of bed bugs it is important to identify where they are hiding and employ integrated pest management techniques and services.

What do bed bugs look like?
Bed bugs are small, oval-shaped insects that range in color from brownish to reddish-brown. At maturity, they are about the size of an apple seed (3-4mm). Also, they have flat bodies and can obscure themselves in hard to find places like mattress seams or cracks and crevices. They may also be visible on mattresses, furniture and walls.
What are signs of a bed bug infestation?
Signs of a bed bug infestation include seeing live bed bugs, shed skins or eggs in the crevices on mattresses and furniture, red-brown stains on mattresses or walls due to crushed bugs, an offensive musty odor, and itchy bites on your skin. If you notice any of these signs in your home, it is important to take steps immediately as infestations can quickly grow if left untreated.
How do bed bugs spread?
Bed bugs can spread by "hitchhiking" from one location to another on furniture, clothing, luggage or other belongings. They are also known to travel through the walls within a single building and through shared plumbing and electrical systems. Bed bugs can easily infest an entire house if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to take prompt action as soon as any signs of an infestation are noticed. Properly cleaning and storing items that could be potentially infested with bed bugs is essential for effective control. Additionally, pest management professionals like Atlanta Outsourced Pest Control may have additional strategies for helping reduce the spread of bedbugs.
Can bed bugs transmit diseases to humans?
No, bed bugs are not known to transmit any diseases to humans. They can, however, cause allergic reactions in some people and may lead to secondary skin infections from itching. Bed bug bites can also cause psychological distress due to the presence of unwanted pests in the home. It is important to take appropriate action as soon as possible if you suspect an infestation so that it does not spread further.
How long do bed bugs live?
The lifespan of bed bugs depends on temperature and availability of food. When well-fed, adult bed bugs can live up to one year in optimal conditions. In cooler climates or without a proper food source, adults may live for only three months. Nymphs require at least one blood meal before molting into the next stage, lasting several weeks, depending on conditions and availability of host. Therefore, the entire life cycle from egg to adult can last anywhere from 2-4 months in ideal conditions; however, it can take longer depending on environmental factors such as temperature and presence of hosts.
How do you get rid of bed bugs?
The most effective way to get rid of bed bugs involves a combination of chemical treatments, physical removal methods and preventive actions such as reducing clutter, caulking cracks and crevices, vacuuming regularly and sealing all items that could potentially be infested. Additionally, washing bedding in hot water with laundry detergent can help to kill any eggs or bed bugs present.
What can you do to prevent bed bugs from entering your home?
To prevent bed bugs from entering your home, it is important to pay extra attention when traveling; inspect luggage and other belongings before bringing them into your home. Vacuuming regularly can also help to remove any potential bed bug eggs that might have been brought into the house accidentally. Finally, seal all cracks and crevices in walls or baseboards where they may enter the home. If any possible infestations are noticed early on, taking prompt action is essential as infestations can quickly get out of hand if left untreated. Call Atlanta Outsourced Professionals at 678-948-6032 to help slowdown and eliminate the bed bug invasion.
Can bed bugs survive in a hot or cold environment?
Bed bugs can both survive in cold and hot environments. In cooler climates, adult bed bugs may live for only three months, while in optimal conditions they can live up to one year. Temperature affects the development of nymphs; at higher temperatures, nymphs can develop into adults faster than at lower temperatures. It is important to note that the presence of a food source is also essential for bed bug survival; without it, their lifespan will be significantly reduced regardless of temperature.
Can you get bed bugs from staying in a hotel?
Yes, you can get bed bugs from staying in a hotel room if the hotel is infested. Bed bugs can spread easily through luggage, clothing and other personal items, so it is important to inspect any potential host location thoroughly before entering or bringing belongings into your home. They move quickly from one place to another and can be easily hidden in seams, crevices, and folds of fabric. Always take extra precaution when traveling by wearing light-colored clothes so any potential pests will stand out more easily if present. Be on the lookout for signs of an infestation such as live or shed bed bug eggs, bodies or droppings near bed areas and furniture.
If you suspect that a hotel room has been previously infested with bedbugs, take extra precaution when taking your belongings back home to ensure that none of the pests come with you. In order to reduce the risk of coming into contact with them while at a hotel, avoid putting your suitcase directly on the floor or mattress; instead keep it up off the ground on a table top or counter.
By being mindful when traveling and taking preventive steps such as inspecting for evidence of pests regularly at home you can greatly minimize any risks associated with an outbreak occurring in your living space.
Can you use pesticides to get rid of bed bugs?
Pesticides are not always an effective method for treating bed bugs, as they have developed a resistance to many of them. If pesticides are used, it should be done by a professional with experience in dealing with pests that have become resistant to certain pesticides. Additionally, calling a professional exterminator is recommended before using any type of chemical treatment as they will be able to assess the situation and offer advice on what treatment would work best in your specific case. Proper application is essential for pest control treatments so it is important that if you decide to use any pesticidal substances that you take note of any safety measures and follow all instructions carefully.
What is the best way to prevent bed bugs in multi-unit dwellings?
The best way to prevent bed bug infestations in multi-unit dwellings is to keep all spaces clean and clutter free while also taking preventive steps such as inspecting for evidence of pests regularly. It is also important to seal all cracks, crevices, and other entry points into the home as well as around the building in order to keep any potential bugs out. Finally, education about bed bugs should be provided among tenants so that everyone is aware of how to properly identify them and what possible prevention methods are available. Atlanta Outsourced Pest Control may help assist with this process if necessary.
Can you get rid of bed bugs without professional help?
Yes, it is possible to remove bed bugs without the help of professional pest control services. Taking preventive steps such as regularly inspecting for evidence of an infestation and taking care when traveling can greatly reduce the risk of an infestation occurring in the first place. Additionally, using chemical treatments following all safety measures precautions carefully and using products that have not been deemed bed bug resistant can also help eliminate any existing pests. However, if you are unsure about how to approach a bed bug issue or want to be extra sure that there is no possibility of a re-infestation then call Atlanta Outsourced Pest Control at 678-948-6032.